Let Go Of Fear
There are so many negative emotions that come with divorce, including fear. We fear what the future holds, how different life will be, and all of this changes the way we view ourselves and the world around us. When fear creeps in and negativity takes over, the lens we start seeing through is one of lack, doubt and darkness. Our thoughts become our experiences and our realities, making it hard for us to see past what we’re going through. These feelings make it hard for us to move forward and we’ll remain stuck and paralyzed. We’ll also miss out on the love that will help us heal and start a new chapter. What can letting go of fear and embracing love do for our lives moving forward? How can we let go of fear from the past and return to love? How do we learn to navigate the loss of the end of our marriage? In this episode, I talk about how to shift from fear to love, acceptance and ownership. 3 Things We Learned From This Episode Let go of victimhood When you’re going through a hard time, it’s easy to want to blame someone else. Holding onto blame makes you a victim, and gives that other person control over you and your reality. Accept where you are By making peace with the darkness and all our insecurities; and accepting and embracing ourselves, we can actually overcome fear because it no longer controls us. Put your focus on love We tend to focus on controlling outcomes or circumstances, which breeds fear, resentment, frustration and sadness. Need an opportunity to share your pain points and receive judgment-free support? Want to create a vision of a future after your divorce? Click here to schedule your Free Divorce Recovery Call.