Jay Gabrani
Born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Jay’s entrepreneurial flame was fanned on a 1987 trip where he saw firsthand the successful business his grandfather built. "The only way to be truly free is to own your own business” his grandfather told him. This statement had a profound effect on Jay. Upon his return home, he told his parents… "I'll be working for myself by the time I'm 25 years old." At his parents' urging, Jay continued his education and acquired a degree in chartered accounting from the University of Waterloo and worked in Big 4 accounting firms. He left the accounting world the day before his 25th birthday, thus setting the stage for his entrepreneurial career. Ever since, Jay has had failures and successes in the various businesses he has owned. After his first child was born in 2005, Jay jumped into the world of real estate investing. Based on his experience as an entrepreneur, Jay was well-equipped to make the transition into real estate investing. Even though he experienced several challenges along the way, he built a multiple seven-figure real estate portfolio. Having that portfolio help Jay resiliently deal with a heartbreaking personal tragedy in 2014. This experience lead Jay to reevaluate the purpose of his life while taking a multi year sabbatical. Before his wife passed away in 2014, Jay thought he was financially prepared. After going through the experience of being the executor of his wife's estate, he realized he wasn't. Today, Jay makes an impact raising his three children and empowering Fathers to secure their Family's Financial Future as the founder of Prepared Fathers. Find out more about Jay Gabrani at:www.jaygabrani.com Looking to grow a real estate empire but don’t know where to start? Pick up a copy of Money, People, Deal by Stefan Aarnio for only $3.95 at www.moneypeopledeal.com/podcast. To get exclusive podcast listener only offers for the 100K Challenge (like a free hotel room for the event), email Devin Savage at DSavage@StefanAarnio.com. To learn more about the 100K Challenge visit www.stefanaarniolive.com.