Domination In Bodybuilding a Fitness With Humberto Kauffmann
Humberto Kauffmann started weight lifting at the age of 17 with a desire to increase muscle mass and strength. He quickly became interested in the art of Bodybuilding and realized that it was much more than just lifting weights and that if he wanted to progress, the nutrition aspect needed to be solidified. A few years into the lifestyle Humberto decided to do his first competition and although it didn't go as desired, it became clear that this takes time and patience. He persisted through the years and in 2016 he won his class at the MABBA Provincial Championship, obtaining the title of Mr. Mabitoba. A year later he switched to Classic Physique, obtaining the 2017 Provincial Overall Title as well. Throughout the years, his passion for Bodybuilding led me to become a Personal Trainer and share the knowledge he had acquired with others that wanted to improve their quality of life and set and reach goals, competitive or non-competitive! Find out more about Humberto Kauffmann at: