28: How Do I Love Thee

Summary Brian a Heather Mayer talk about the small ways that we can say I love you to our partner.  For those of us that are remarried, finding small ways to show our love can be hard.  We’ve been through a lot in our life, a lot in our relationships and often are just older making life feel not as fresh sometimes.  Today’s episode will help you learn new ways to show your mate that you do indeed love them and don’t take them for granted.  We hope you enjoy today’s message.  For more information and additional resources please visit our website at http://www.theremarriedlife.com Today's Goodies Todays’s Episode is inspired by the poem called “How Do I Love Thee?” by Elizabeth Barrett Browning.  Here is that poem: How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of being and ideal grace. I love thee to the level of every day’s Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light. I love thee freely, as men strive for right. I love thee purely, as they turn from praise. I love thee with the passion put to use In my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith. I love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death.  “How Do I Love Thee” was written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning as a dedication to her husband Robert Browning, who was also a poet.  Robert basically rescued Elizabeth at age 40 from a reclusive and oppressive life under her father.  Robert was so smitten with her poetry that he asked to meet and soon thereafter they fell in love through love letters.     Wow what a love story!  So with that as our inspiration let’s talk about some things in addition to writing poetry that can really show how much we love our spouse or partner.         Leave a note in a lunchbox, on the steering wheel, or on the bathroom mirror.     Text, “I Love You” or simply use Emoji’s. Share an Appreciation and Be Specific.  For example, you are a wonderful teacher because I saw the way one of your students was struggling and how you stooped down on their level to console, comfort and encourage them.  Wow!              Give an out of the blue compliment.  For example, “Thank you so much for cleaning the kitchen last night.  I remember looking at it saying I’m so tired I’ll get to it tomorrow night. Thank you so much! Random hugging and kissing.  Maybe you pass each other in the hallway at home and one of you grabs the other.  Maybe you sneak up behind and give a peck on the neck.  Whatever it is just find new and different ways to show affection.  Holding hands when you are out together.  Holding the door or other random gestures of kindess. Spur of the moment massages are always nice.  Connecting through Listening to  a marriage talk or sermon.  When you hear something that affects one of both of you give a little squeeze or rub on the knee just to show you share in what you hear.  Do the other person’s normal chore.  Listen to Session 22 called Role Reversal in Remarriage for a more in depth talk on this issue.     Send flowers for no reason.  Send a card through the mail to work or home. Buy your partner their favorite treat.  Pray for your partner Make lunch for your partner Give you partner the first 5 or 10 minutes of your time when you get home.     Dedicate a song.  We hope these ideas gives your relationship a bit of a kickstart and by all means get creative and come up with you own.  In fact we would love to hear your creative ways that you do to show you love your partner or spouse.  Post those in the Remarried Life Facebook group and please join if you have not.   Resources Brian a Heather’s love for each other is your resource for this week.    Thanks For Listening! With so many things that take time in our lives, I more grateful than you know that you took time to listen to this podcast episode.  If you liked this episode and believe that it would be beneficial to a friend, family member, or colleague, please share it using the social media buttons on this page. It would be extremely helpful, it you would consider leaving a rating and review on Apple devices at iTunes  or on Android devices at Google Play as it will help the podcast reach others who need help in rebuilding life and relationships. The Remarried Life Facebook Group is a community of people just like you who get and give support.  Please join today!  ​ As always remember that marriage is nothing something you have, it is something you do.  Talk to you next week unless you are binge listening in the future in which case I will talk to you in about a minute!  Take care.

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