26: 5 More Great (and Cheap) Rituals of Connection
Summary Brian a Heather Mayer talk about staying connected with each other through doing things together as a couple. Here are 5 more (with one extra as a bonus) rituals of connection. Be sure to check out session 25 for the first 25! We hope you enjoy today’s message. For more information and additional resources please visit our website at http://www.theremarriedlife.com Today's Goodies Connection #26: On Car Trips do some of the following: Mad Libs, 20 Questions, A Book Called “If” – 500 questions for the game of life that you can ask each other like, “If you could train a pet bird to do one thing for you and always return home what would it do?” or “Name your greatest accomplishment.” Connection #27: Texting throughout the day to encourage each other and also simply communicating plans is very important to us. We use it to send the emojis and also says things like “I hope your day is going well.” Connection #28: In the evenings when the weather is nice, we like to spend time on the back deck. We will play some music and talk about the day, and talk about our hopes and dreams. We also like to watch and listen to our surroundings and then we talk about them. Connection #29: Friday Night Special: This is a sacred time in which we say no to work and often will say no to other things going on. We spend this time together. We will often make a pizza, play games or darts, and just have a fun time spending it together. Connection #30: Morning Ritual. We make coffee, decide what to make for breakfast and lunch, and then begin the food prep. Usually one of us will make breakfast while the other makes lunch and we flip flop that responsibility. Then for 15 minutes or so after the meals are completed, we will eat breakfast together and talk about our day that is to come. Bonus Connection 31: On our Anniversary, we will write out a list of 5 things we want to accomplish and 5 fun activities in the coming year. We also like to look over our list from the prior year to see what we did and did not do. Usually the things we want to accomplish center around work on the house and the fun activities involve traveling to new places. After listening to this session and session 25, we hope you will implement some of these this week or continue what you are already doing that is working for you. Remember most of these don’t take much time. Simply connecting for 10-15 minutes every day is so important. Resources A book called “If” by Evelyn McFarlane and James Saywell Brian and Heather’s Brains Thanks For Listening! With so many things that take time in our lives, I more grateful than you know that you took time to listen to this podcast episode. If you liked this episode and believe that it would be beneficial to a friend, family member, or colleague, please share it using the social media buttons on this page. It would be extremely helpful, it you would consider leaving a rating and review on Apple devices at iTunes or on Android devices at Google Play as it will help the podcast reach others who need help in rebuilding life and relationships. The Remarried Life Facebook Group is a community of people just like you who get and give support. Please join today!