It’s a Bop!
Join us for a very special “Mystery Box” Edition of Opposites Unpacked as we do our best to heal the world with music during these tough times! Learn a bit about why music is so important to Chad, join us as we watch examples of people all around the world using music to cheer up their communities, and help us put together “A Playlist for the World” with audience suggestions! Check out “A Playlist for the World” on Spotify here ( In this Episode: Follow-ups from Episode 9 (03:15) Recapping our Week (04:44) The Mystery Box (7:12) Music Therapy (18:28) “A Playlist for the World” (25:14) A Playlist for the World" (Your Submissions) (29:13) K-Sauce Like a Boss: Getting People to Smile (49:02) Have a topic idea or need advice? Send your suggestions or questions to and we may discuss in an upcoming episode! Follow Us on Social Media! Instagram (@oppositesunpackedpodcast) Twitter (@Oppsunpacked) Facebook (@OppositesUnpacked) Show notes/links: Fibonacci Sequence in Music American Music Therapy Association The Oldest Known Melody People Singing on Balconies in Italy Family Quarantine Dance Routine “A Playlist for the World” (Our shared playlist on Spotify)