Mike Jackson discusses teamwork involved in field trials with English Pointer bird dogs
In my conversation with Mike Jackson for Agile Digital Business, we take a departure from digital marketing and transition of content to the digital realm, and talk teamwork. Mike enjoys the sport of field trials and raising and training bird dogs. He has trained some of the best English Pointer dogs in the business and participates in field trials from the back of his Tennessee Walker horses. His travels take him throughout the USA and Canada as he competes in field trials. Prior to his retirement, Mike worked for the electric co-op as a lineman, a supervisor, and later for a company that responded to disaster areas for repair of power lines. You can see an example of this type of field trial work in this video of the national championships. https://youtu.be/r9FukGHrhm0 Enjoy the conversation with Mike Jackson! http://vickiemaris.com Season 2 of the podcast, Agile Digital Business, starts with the next episode. We are delving in to the topics of voice, voice search, voice first and how businesses can prepare for the voice platform.