Whitney Kilgore Talks About Learning Experience Design | Part 2
Whitney Kilgore, PhD, of iDesign, shares her perspective on blended learning, open educational resources, and more of her insights on the design of learning experiences in this Part 2 of my interview with her. This is Episode 7 of Agile Digital Business (formerly, Online Course Connections) podcast. Whitney provides pointers on how to guide a subject matter expert (SME) who often wants to lead with content. "In the online space, it's important to break content into chunks." "A design team will help you break content into chunks and help you make sure that the learning goals and objectives align with the assessments. [The designers] will help you make sure that the path between the two points for gaining knowledge are clear." Whitney also touches on the concept of co-creating a syllabus with the students of your class. When doing so in an academic environment, you would want to maintain the academic standards required for accreditation. I will add here that you could also co-create a syllabus with the customers of your business who will be in your course. To reach Whitney Kilgore: via Twitter @whitneykilgore via website idesignedu.org To listen to Whitney on Episode 2 of Online Course Connections click this link. [Episode 7; revised Aug. 4, 2019]