Amy Crews Pt 1
This episode is the first installment of my conversation with Amy Crews on rejection. We have all faced rejection in multiple ways, whether that be with our jobs, dreams, or relationships. Part 1 of this interview focuses primarily on rejection in the pursuit of our dreams and how we can practically progress from our setbacks. Rejection often stains us with fear and anxiety, and if we allow it, rejection will cripple us into the next season of life. Amy reminds us, through her story, we can attribute the struggle of rejection with God molding us into who He wants us to be. We do not have to sit in our failures, but we can move forward. As you listen to this episode, maybe ask yourself these questions: What are things in my past that trigger the feelings of rejection? Who are the people in my life that remind me of the truth of who I really am? What are things I can begin doing to move forward and avoid sitting in fear? Who can I start encouraging to take the focus off of myself? Rejection is often the precursor for major success, and we have the ability to give our rejection to God and let Him redefine who we really are. Sit back, relax, and get your pens ready... because this is Write it Down!