9. Unapproachable
Join me as I discuss why some men don't approach us.. Segments: - Featured Review - The Single Shoutout - Ask Me Anything This week The Single Shoutout is Queen Cole make sure you follow her on Instagram @1QueenCole and check out her podcast: Light The Path Did you enjoy this week’s episode? If so, please make sure to subscribe, rate and review on Apple Podcasts or whichever app you are currently listening on! If you have any dating stories, questions, want to nominate someone for The Single Shoutout or just need a little advice email me at youretoopretty@gmail.com. You're Too Pretty to be Single Instagram You're Too Pretty to be Single Website If you would like to donate to the show, you may send donations to $taylorelizabethshop on CashApp. If you are interested in starting your own podcast in as soon as 30 days, click the referral link below and join the Idea to Launch Academy! Idea to Launch Academy Thank you for listening! Love, Tay Elizabeth ???? . . . Music: Check The Glovebox by Otis Galloway Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/6061-check-the-glovebox License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ SFX by OwlyVoices