24 A poly mission statement
Coming up on this week'sPolyamory Weekly: thoughts on luck in America, a listener's first frubble, poly cards in the offing? A taste of poly smut, facing monogamy, jealousy as a refrigerator, and a poly mission statement. Questions? Comments? Feedback? Erotica? Email minx at cunningminx@gmail.com or call the listener comment line at 206-600-5677. Thanks for listening!00-2:15 Introduction. updates Introduction, under-18 warning and redirection to Scarleteen.com.2:15-9:20 Comments: More on being lucky 5x5 comments on being "lucky" and points out preexisting socioeconomic conditions that make some folks less than lucky others to begin with, and Jason continues the discussion by giving a nod of credit to that train of thought and elaborates on his original letter.9:20-9:50 Listener mail JM writes in, so welcome to our new listeners from Violet Blue!9:50-12:25 Listener mail: R writes in about arguments, frubble and Spider Robinson R says minx is the voice in the back of his head (!!); he shares the story of his first frubbly feeling; our official plug for Spider Robinson'sThe Callahan Chronicles.12:25-14:00 Listener mail: "I hate you days" Brent comments on having "I hate you days" and on how labelling these feelings helped his and L's relationship.14:00-15:40 Listener mail: Secret Lover cards Listener Randy wrote in to let us know that his friend C did write the company and request poly-friendly "Secret Lover" cards that were just as beautiful and passionate as the original collection!15:40-16:55 Listener mail: Smut! Brent recommends Morgan Hawkes' Victorious Star and Fallen Star, published through Loose ID, and Fortune's Star, a novella published in the anthology Hard Candy.16:55-20:20 Sam provides poly erotica! I read my favorite bit from Sam's submisison that is less about action and more about showing passion and bodily reaction.20:20-21:00 Listener mail: label no more!21:00-26:45 Listener mail: poly to monogamous transition Listener A writes in to relate the judgmental attitudes she faced from family, lovers and community when she and her lover opted for a monogamous relationship after being poly. minx comments on tolerance in general and how to remain friends with those you feel are making a mistake.26:45-29:30 Topic: graydancer and cunningminx's Mission Statement During a long afternoon of painful relationship negotiation, Graydancer and minx brainstormed individual answers to the questions, "Why are you poly?" and "What do you get from being being poly?" and created their own mission statement for Graydancer and minx as a poly couple.(Our Mission Statements)29:30-30:05 Topic: Mistresse Matisse gives us a grin If you want to feel refreshed and validated and go "awww!", read this reposting of Mistresse Matisse of how she met and feel in love with her partner of six years.30:05- Topic: Tacit's article on jealousy and refrigeratorsTacit's article on jealousyTopic: On coming out Props to Amy Gahran for opting to come out (in a polite, subtle way) as poly in her professional blog. What a great model for coming out in an honest but non-jingoistic way. Her personal/poly blog is here. Not prurient in the least, so if you're looking for smut, stay here or go to Open Source Sex.Resource: smut One podcast suggestion: Pizza Babe is here. Like the intro/outro music? It's by a band called Pacemaker Jane out of Ohio. Go buy their stuff!