009 Jeremy Lent - The Future Is Up for Grabs - It's Time for Cathedral Thinking
Philosopher, author, and integrator Jeremy Lent brilliantly articulates how shifts in values, ideas and paradigms can serve to rewrite our human story. His important book, The Patterning Instinct: A Cultural History of Humanity’s Search for Meaning, traces the foundations of our modern worldview and the constructions of meaning formed by cultures around the world. In this episode, Jeremy and I turn directly to all that inspires our care and tests our faith. We examine the human patterns that have created our collective crises, and we deeply feel into how we can serve the renewal of the world we love. He is currently working on his next book provisionally entitled The Web of Meaning: An Integration of Modern Science with Traditional Wisdom and works as the founder of the nonprofit Liology Institute, dedicated to fostering an integrated worldview that can enable human sustainability. For more information on Jeremy Lent and Terry Patten, check out the following resources: Jeremy Lent's website: https://www.jeremylent.com/ The Liology Institute: http://www.liology.org/ Jeremy's book, The Patterning Instinct: https://www.amazon.com/Patterning-Instinct-Cultural-History-Humanitys/dp/1633882934/ Terry Patten's website: https://www.terrypatten.com/ To learn more about the work we are doing, visit: A New Republic of the Heart website: http://newrepublicoftheheart.org/ State of Emergence podcast website: http://stateofemergence.org/