Unmasking the Abuser Trailer 1

Have you ever wondered why so many women experience abuse in their relationships? Want to know how to keep yourself and your loved ones safe? This trailer outlines the new podcast series, Unmasking the Abuser, that finally exposes the secrets and manipulative strategies used so successfully by Abusers. The series can help you identity - accurately and early - the maneuvers and tricks used by Abusers to lure in new romantic partners and trap them in toxic relationships. It will also offer tips to recognize abusive manipulation in someone else's relationship, as well as methods for spotting abuse in non-romantic relationships such as friendships and work relationships. Appropriate for all ages 13 and over, this podcast series offers invaluable information that's not available anywhere else. It's brought to you directly by world-renowned social psychologist, Dr. Dina McMillan, author of 'But He Says He Loves Me', available on Amazon.

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