A Needle in A Haystack
Erin gives the play by play of her marathon date last Saturday. Her Apple Watch clocked her at 18,000 steps - with a broken foot! The non-emergency police line was dialed three times. The two couldn't find a Lyft or Uber anywhere but were finally rescued by a taxi just in the nick of time. Erin was about to turn into a pumpkin. Find out who crashed the date, if Erin's margarita making skills were up to par and whether or not she got to see the lunar eclipse from the beach. You can't make this shit up. You're Such A Catch is an independent podcast funded by the host, Erin Ramsey. YSC Unfiltered is a Members Only site with access to bonus episodes, videos, blog posts, and more. A pledge of as little as $5/month can help offset the costs associated with producing this podcast. To make your pledge today, visit www.youresuchacatch.com/unfiltered.