Understanding The Other Side
Although the two are opposites: Erin drinks, Skraby is sober. Erin is an extrovert, Skraby is an introvert. Erin is a glass half full kind of gal, and Skraby is a glass half empty kind of guy; the two discuss dating and relationships from their personal viewpoint. Skraby drops his best dating advice and what he likes to see from a woman who's interested in getting to know him better. Spoiler alert, keep the convo going. He's not a dentist and doesn't like it when it feels like he's pulling teeth. Matt Skraby @mattskraby You're Such A Catch is an independent podcast funded by the host, Erin Ramsey. YSC Unfiltered is a Members Only site with access to bonus episodes, videos, blog posts, and more. A pledge of as little as $5/month can help offset the costs associated with producing this podcast. To make your pledge today, visit www.youresuchacatch.com/unfiltered.