Advocate For Your Health
Today, a dear friend from high school, Jennie Blyth, shares her story. She was healthy, ate clean, worked out, and took care of herself, but believes pumping her body full of hormones and infertility drugs, lead to breast cancer. She recalls finding the lump during a self-exam, being told she's too young to have breast cancer by her doctor, and having to fight for further testing, which ultimately saved her life. Tune in to hear how Jennie beat her battle with breast cancer while also juggling life: being a wife, a mom, an employee, and a friend. Jennie Blyth @blyjnn You're Such A Catch is an independent podcast funded by the host, Erin Ramsey. YSC Unfiltered is a Members Only site with access to bonus episodes, videos, blog posts, and more. A pledge of as little as $5/month can help offset the costs associated with producing this podcast. To make your pledge today, visit