12 Dates of Singleness

On the 12th Date of Singleness I got ghosted.On the 11th Date of Singleness he got high; I got a history lesson.On the 10th Date of Singleness he sent junk mail, I unsubscribed.On the 9th Date of Singleness I got played.On the 8th Date of Singleness I told the Door Dash Driver I loved him.On the 7th Date of Singleness he brought tuna to the beach.On the 6th Date of Singleness I got hosed.On the 5th Date of Singleness his Snapchat blew his cover.On the 4th Date of Singleness I realized I wasn’t the only one.On the 3rd Date of Singleness we cried over pizza and split beer.On the 2nd Date of Singleness I made a cement angel.On the 1st Date of Singleness I realized all of these dates had to happen for me to learn, to grow, and to become the person I am today so I could decide what I want and, more importantly, what I don’t want.   You're Such A Catch is an independent podcast funded by the host, Erin Ramsey.  YSC Unfiltered is a Members Only site with access to bonus episodes, videos, blog posts, and more.  A pledge of as little as $5/month can help offset the costs associated with producing this podcast.  To make your pledge today, visit www.youresuchacatch.com/unfiltered.

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