Change Your Energy, Change Your LOVE Life
Cathie shares her story, how she survived a divorce, raised three children on her own, and found love again using the law of attraction and positive energy. Cathie was introduced to reiki when she and her ex were working on their marriage. Her marriage may not have survived, but her admiration for reiki did. Reiki changed her. It gave her a passion for opening her own practice where she could help others. Cathie practiced reiki personally, using energy healing to create the life she had always dreamt of. In the spirit of helping others, Cathie shares tips and tricks that anyone can use to manifest their dreams. Her story reinforces that the universe always provides and the best is yet to come. You're Such A Catch is an independent podcast funded by the host, Erin Ramsey. YSC Unfiltered is a Members Only site with access to bonus episodes, videos, blog posts, and more. A pledge of as little as $5/month can help offset the costs associated with producing this podcast. To make your pledge today, visit