JL 029: Andrew Fraser — Breaking Free, Taking Flight a Living the Hero's Journey
Andrew Fraser — a powerful storyteller, teacher, coach, adventurist, and dear friend — joins the show for a beautifully honest conversation. He shares his long journey towards self-actualization, using Joseph Campbell’s stages along The Hero’s Journey as his touchstones for transformation. Drawing from a deep well of experience chasing after anxiety-provoking pursuits, like BASE jumping off of mountains and leaving a safe career to explore his dreams, Andrew now guides others towards their own inherent tools to overcome self-limiting beliefs and fulfill their wildest ambitions. We also talk about: How childhood experiences can positively or negatively prime our set of core beliefs The aftermath of surviving the Columbine High School shooting What happens when we project our self-limiting beliefs onto others’ Moving through the twelve stages of The Hero’s Journey Learning how to rewrite our internal script Using storytelling as a conduit for consciousness, community, and change Viewing vulnerability as the gateway to manifesting our dreams, relationships, and selfhood It’s no secret, Joe and Lo are big fans of CBD. Lucky for them, their kitchen is stocked with the highest quality products! They can’t go a day without Cured Nutrition’s Raw Full Spectrum Capsules and Tincture. It’s time to snag your own! Use “JOELO” at checkout for 15% off your next order at www.curednutrition.com. Guest Resources: Instagram: @theandrewfraser Podcast: Fear Focus Freedom Website/Blog: fearfocusfreedom.com Connect: Newsletter/Community Sign-Up Instagram: @lo.bondi + @josephsheehey Blog: www.lovegrown.me Email: info@lovegrown.me