JL 024: Entrepreneurship, A Multi-Million Dollar Company a Staying the Course
This week, Joe and Lo sit down to discuss a topic that sits at the forefront of their everyday lives: entrepreneurship. Joe explains the evolving phases of Cured Nutrition, from idea generation to multimillion dollar company and everywhere in-between. The success of his business has required befriending his inner critic, rallying support from his soul family, and prioritizing the sacred pivot when the process inevitably throws curve balls his way. We also talk about: Granting yourself permission to take a risk on pursuing your dreams How to reframe comparison and competition to overcome imposter syndrome The importance of honoring the ebbs and flows of entrepreneurial ventures The various phases of establishing a business, product, and/or service Creating a Minimal Viable Product (MVP) How an imperfect product can still have perfect value and impact Implementing a self-care practice to improve workflow It’s no secret, Joe and Lo are big fans of CBD. Lucky for them, their kitchen is stocked with the highest quality products! They can’t go a day without Cured Nutrition’s Raw Full Spectrum Capsules and Tincture. It’s time to snag your own! Use “JOELO” at checkout for 15% off your next order at www.curednutrition.com. Connect with us! @lo.bondi @josephsheehey www.lovegrown.me info@lovegrown.me