Emotionally Opposed (Ashley a Mike)
Ashley and Mike are MARRIED PEOPLE!!! They have been together for 11 1/2 years! Mike gives this brilliant description of fighting: “When you’re emotionally opposed in whatever way, when you want different things and you either can’t communicate it properly or your interests are so conflicted that it spills into other things.” Ashley doesn’t like to communicate and Mike LOVES IT! Their common fight stems from Ashley being annoyed, Mike not knowing why, and him pestering her about it. This is because Mike was raised by all women and therefore he loves feelings and he loves chatting -- Ashley not so much. Their other fight is a SEX FIGHT! Learn all about how Ashley wants to have sex more than Mike does and the drama it creates (just kidding it doesn’t really create drama). We also talk about Matt and Naomi’s episode (Very Fast and Very Appropriate) check it out!!! The three of us also spend a significant amount of time fixing WHAT’S WRONG WITH THE INTERNET.