Spirited Debaters (Katie a Wayland)
Katie and Wayland are newlyweds and they are very similar, which makes it very easy to understand each other and be empathetic when fighting! They both enjoy debating and are willing to have their minds changed, which -- what a dream! But it also means they both struggle with making decisions, as exemplified by how Wayland decided when he was going to propose, which, I have to say, is one of the craziest pieces of behavior I’ve ever heard on Honey. As with many couples, they tend to fight when they are tired and hungry, But it also makes it easier to call each other out on what’s going on under the surface. When they fight it lasts for half a day max. Some hot discussions we get into: banks vs. credit unions! What is the purpose of the dictionary? How much Christmas music is too much Christmas music? Is Michael Buble’s Christmas album good? We have a very WOKE discussion about Baby, It’s Cold Outside.