The Fast and The Furious (Ali a Andrew)
Ali and Andrew have been together for four years (ish? They don’t celebrate anniversaries!). They met in college and fight very infrequently. They’re very calm people! They only fight when they’re hungry, which is a problem because Ali had her jaw wired shut for months. They also fight because Andrew thinks Ali is a reckless driver. They also once got in a fight because Andrew’s ex-girlfriend kept staring at Ali across campus in a girl-from-the-ring kind of way and then Andrew, thinking he was being a hero, told the girl to stop, when really Ali didn’t want her to know she even cared, obviously! They also have a fight about the timeline of moving in, getting engaged, yadda yadda yadda. No more discussions of The Night Of, but some hot takes on Stranger Things and the Fast and the Furious franchise.