AMZPPC 38: The 7 Personality Types of an Amazon Bidder
On today’s episode, Mike and Stephen breakdown bid optimization! The guys give some insight into the seven common personas when it comes to bid optimization, some good and others not so much. Should every bid for your account be the same? Do you think the lowest ACOS possible is the most profitable? Find out the answers to these questions and learn some valuable bid optimization strategies in this episode! See you in the Badger Den! Show Highlights: 2:33 Send us your questions! 833-BAD-GERZ 3:52 Introduction to bid optimization 5:44 Why bids are so important 7:58 Four bad models of bid optimization: Neglectful Natalie 11:14 Guessing Gary 13:18 Wild Willy 17:23 Penny Pinching Pete and Anxious ACOS Andy 20:20 Three good models of bid optimization: Historical Henry 24:00 Expected Value Evan 27:18 Anticipatory Amy 29:32 A core thesis on effective bid optimization Have a question? Give us a shout! 833-BAD-GERZ or