Media Buyers Manual - Ep. 5 w/ Tony Christensen
"Get into the first time buyers mindset..." Welcome back to another episode of the Media Buyers Manual! This weeks guest has been featured on Social Media Examiner, Social Media Week, and more... Tony Christensen is our honored guest! Tony's helped start Black Rifle Coffee's Subscription Program. He's worked with numerous Brands and has spent $10m+ on Facebook Ads profitably! On this week's docket... - The Research a Reverse Engineering Method - Differentiating Yourself From Competitors - Building Audiences Using Reviews... Yea, we know what you're thinking ... how? You'll find out. - One Product Websites / Landing Pages - Getting into the First Time Buyers Mindset - Why making cancelling easy is a GOOD thing for Subscription-based businesses - Give Value - It has a way of coming back amplified - Prospecting the Right Clients to Work Alongside ---- Keyword (Alongside) - Benchmarking for Performance Marketing Enjoy my friends! ------- Facebook Ad Cut-Off Flow - Eliminate Wasted Ad Spend On Sh*t Ads ????????????