Wheel of Time Spoilers 18 - TEOTW - Ch16&17 The Wisdom & Watchers and Hunters
Nyneave travels unbelievably fast to catch our party. We talk about whether she would had to have channeled to do it. She was certainly angry enough. We see Nyneave coldly confront Moiraine, but they have a chat behind closed doors, and Nyneave seems to accept her fate. What did Moiraine say? A myrddraal finds Rand in the inn, and the party flees into the night. Why didn't it kill him? Let's drink about it. Bornhald confronts the group at the gates of Baerlon, and Moiraine puts on a bit of show to scare them off. But as soon as our party is free of the children, they discover five fists of trollocs are closely pursuing them. Run Bela!
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Podcast artwork: Leah Davis
Theme music: Thread of Clouds - Blue Dot Sessions https://bluedotsessions.bandcamp.com/track/thread-of-clouds