Avoid Burn Out: Put Yourself on Your "To Do" List
Welcome to Unscripted where Megan Wyatt, founder of Wives of Jannah, shares reflections, ideas, and concepts inspired by her work throughout the past week. In this episode, Megan discusses the reality that many women are burning themselves out. They don't slow down, they don't take care of themselves, and they don't know how to stop. Women are wonderful at taking care of others, but why not themselves? Dive in and be inspired to put your feet up this week! **** To learn more about working with Megan directly visit:www.wivesofjannah.com/coaching To download a free ebook:www.wivesofjannah.com/ebooks Follow along on IG aFacebook:www.facebook.com/wivesofjannahwww.instagram.com/wivesofjannah