35: Senate Design Overcommittee (feat. Noah Stokes)
For episode 35, we finally convinced the Motherfuton himself, Mr. Noah Stokes, to come hang with us for a bit and talk about lazy web design, ornamentation vs utility, design education and so much more. It was super fun to pick his brain for an hour or so and he brought up some frequently overlooked shortcomings of how we build the web today.
In case you haven't noticed, we were nominated for Podcast of the Year at The Net Awards! If you can spare the time, we would very much appreciate a vote!
If you have feedback or suggestions please don’t hesitate to reach out to us on Twitter at @designdetailsfm!
Noah Stokes on the Web:
Show Notes:
4:30 - What Noah's working on
6:30 - Moving from client services to an in-house design team
- "End of An Era"
- Happy Cog
- Teehan+Lax
- Garrett St. John
- Derek Nelson
- Zach McNair
- Weightshift
- Paravel
- SuperFriendly
- Bigge cranes
16:45 - Life before BOLD and how Apple has changed
- PalmOne LifeDrive
- Palm Treo
- iPod Mini
- 17" PowerBook
- Apple's WWDC 2015 Keynote
- 1Password
- How to Pronounce Helvetica Neue
28:15 - How responsive design made the web boring
- Stripe Dashboard Page
- Material Design
- Bill Labus
- Malthe Sigurdsson
- Ben De Cock
- PrototypeJS
- Scriptaculous
- John Resig
- Sam Stephenson
- @fat
- PostCSS
- BEM Nesting (+ Mixins!) in SASS
- Facebook Instant Articles
- Facebook Lite
- John Gruber
- Gruber on Instant Articles
46:00 - UI for pure utility vs UI ornamentation
50:00 - Web education and regulation