Episode 29 – 'The Evil Dead' & 'Evil Dead II' at the Drive-In
As fall comes, does the end of summer drive-in season mean the end of theatrical film-going for those of us unwilling to go back to a theater during COVID-19? On today’s short episode once again is revolving guest-host Ted Haycraft, who joined me recently for positively perfect drive-in double-feature. We discuss how we’re both ashamed to have only seen both these movies once, the original’s low-budget effectiveness, the sequel calling a mulligan on a perfectly-fine original film, how fans watching that ’87 sequel must’ve felt like Raimi and the Coens Bros. were making their own genus of hyperkinetic cinema, and what moment still brought an audience together with cheers even in a drive-in field.
The Evil Dead is currently streaming on Netflix, while Evil Dead II is currently streaming on Hulu; both are also available on VOD.
Haycraft is film critic for WFIE-14 and co-hosts Cinema Chat on its Midday show. He can also be found on Cinema Chat’s Facebook page.