Should I Follow a Madhab? #Hanafi #Shafi #Maliki #Hanbali #Salafi
The Hot Seat Disclaimer: Sign up at to stay up to date with all of our courses. 00:00 Introduction 02:20 Extremism in Islam 05:03 The role of Allah, the Messengers a the Muslims 11:22 The characteristics of the shari’ah 19:36 The difference between the prophets and scholars 21:06 What is a madhab? 24:05 The three types of people 33:29 The history of the madhabs 41:06 Is following a madhab the same as taqleed? 47:10 Can a muqallid follow a muqallid? 49:48 Is the truth restricted to the four madhabs? 57:36 Everybody claims the truth 1:04:02 Choosing a sahih hadith over a madhab 1:10:28 You’re always following somebody 1:14:22 The actions of the people of Madinah 1:20:39 Blind following one madhab only 1:35:18 Is the truth singular? 2:02:15 Does a muqallid have to know the evidence? 2:08:13 Let’s get rid of the madhabs! 2:23:58 Is it still possible to become a mujtahid? 2:26:16 How do you choose and follow a madhab? 2:29:29 Are there 4 or 5 madhabs? 2:31:19 Why mention the views of modern-day scholars? 2:37:17 Final thoughts You can also find us on: Instagram: YouTube: Twitter: BarakAllahu feekum.