8. When God asks you to wait, and wait, and wait some more

Kailey Dickerson is so much more than a country artist's wife. She is a creative, a preacher (in the very nontraditional sense), a faith builder, and a WOMAN OF GOD. I am obsessed with her, which could be scary except she's my sister-in-law so it's allowed. No one builds up my faith like Kailey, and you are going to be so encouraged by her story of waiting on God's timing and trusting Him throughout the process.  In this episode, we discuss: At 16 years old, what was your grand plan for your life? God gave you a vision for your life, at an early age, but then things didn't exactly unfold as you thought they would. What did you do with that? Did you think you misunderstood God's plan for your life? How did you stay a champion of your husband's dream when y'all spent years hearing countless "no's"? You thought God confirmed for you that Russell was your future husband, and then he broke up with you. What were you tempted to believe about God at that time? Practically speaking, what fueled y'all to trust God no matter what, when we're talking about believing the calling God has on your life and yet seeing no earthly progress towards that calling? Was there a certain verse or passage that y'all really clung to during your long season of waiting? Y'all have experienced extreme high's (that were public) and horrible news (that was private) on the same day multiple times, so much of the Christian life is learning to navigate joy and sorrow simultaneously, so what have you learned through those experiences? For those who are in a season of waiting, what do you say to them? Scripture Mentioned: Matthew 6:33 Psalm 84:11 Luke 1:45 Resources Mentioned: Paige Brown's article Russell Dickerson's music My theme song and ad music is by my amazing friend, Shaylee Simeone. Check her out.

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