EP 007: The Marriage of the Islamic and Secular Sciences | Dr. Kamran Riaz

The Mad Mamluks talk to Dr. Kamran Riaz about Darul Qasim Institute's effort to bring Muslim professionals towards Islamic Sciences.  We also discuss some of the challenges of American Muslims today. Dr. Kamran Riaz has a uniquely indigenous background in Islamic studies. Before high school, he completed memorization of the Qur’an at the Institute of Islamic Education in Illinois. He graduated from University of Illinois in Chicago with dual degrees in Economics and Middle Eastern History. He studies and teaches Islamic Studies classes at Darul Qasim, an institute for classical Islamic knowledge in Illinois, and also leads taraweeh prayers and conducts classes at the Downtown Islamic Center. He obtained a doctorate of medicine degree from UIC College of Medicine, and completed his ophthalmology training at Northwestern University and University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (Dallas).  His commentary of Imam al-Ghazali’s treatise “Concerning Divine Wisdom in the Creation of Man." is soon to be published.  He works and resides in the western suburbs of Chicago with his wife and daughter. kamran.riaz@darulqasim.org https://darulqasim.org

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