Ask The Imam: People of the Book, Prophet Isa's (Jesus) second coming, Long-distance relationship, Fiqh Questions

Friday February 26, 2021   Question 1 (02:00): Dear Imam Abdul Aziz. I very much enjoyed your explanation regarding 'Ummi' and the Prophet (May Allah bless him and give him peace). I've always been confused regarding the permissibility of Muslim men being able to marry Christian women in the Qu'ran it is clear that Christians are described as those assigning divinity to Isa (peace be upon him) (Jesus) and thus an act of kuffar; they are harshly admonished for this deviation from their faith. So how can such a revered act: marriage (according to the Hadith: half the faith) be allowed with someone who we in essence believe have committed the only unforgivable sin; and if permissible: is not all kuffar (at least when it comes to Tauheed) kuffar, whether it be 2 gods or 3 or three thousand? Why not then can Muslim men be allowed to marry Hindu women as this same permissibility can be applied perhaps to Muslims permissibility of eating meat from Christians? If they say Gods name during the sacrifice how do we know they in their heads are not thinking of Isa (peace be upon him)? I guess ultimately my question boils down to Christians are committing an egregious Kuffar by assigning divinity to Isa (peace be upon him) (Jesus) - Trinity - but yet seem to be dealt with in a different manner by Allah in the Qu'ran than say for example idol worshippers or other polytheists? Jazak-Allah in advance. Side Question: Can we eat meat that is not zabiha?   Question 2 (28:50): Is Prophet Esa going to come back as Imam Mehdi? Is it true that the Quran says Prophet Esa was raised to the Heavens alive?   Question 3 (36:00): Praying behind the Imam, in the silent salah, eg dhuhr, do you recite surah Al-Fatiha and another surah yourself or you just stay silent.   Question 4 (40:52): I have a question about reading books that contain disbelief in them. For example a Greek mythology book, or even certain plays by Shakespeare contain lines of kufr in them. If I have to read these books for a class or even If I read them personal reading, should I make a quoting statement before beginning the book. For example, "the author said", or is this unnecessary as it is understood I am reading someone else's works? I noticed in Arabic when teaching books, like the Sanusiyya, people say Qal al Muallif before beginning.   Question 5 (44:00): Respected imam! Do you recommend any Fiqh books written (translated) in English for the Hanafi Madhab? I would also like to know if there are other such books for the rest of the Madhabs.   Question 6 (47:03): If we believe in all the heavenly books, and everything from Allah is perfect, why does He say in the Quran that "this day I have perfected your religion for you"?   Question 7 (54:35): As regards to Hijama, in your previous session, you mentioned not getting it done in winter rather doing fust (vivisection) especially if one lives in Northern climates/regions. Can you please elaborate what is fust (vivisection) in little detail? Also, during summer time can one get Hijama from a trained professional? If yes, you had mentioned only to have it done on shoulder blades and not at other places on the body, which makes me question why not other parts when we are getting it done in summer from someone who is professionally trained?   Question 8 (58:57): Thank you for giving the opportunity of asking questions. This is very important to me. I am an engaged young man whose fiancé lives abroad. I live in the United States. For now, we are in a long distance relationship. I know my fiancé for more than 5 years now. Lately, we are getting into a lot of arguments which are ending with a lot of fights. As a result, we are getting mad at each other and not talking to each other. I really do love her and she is very nice, kind, and serious girl. I know that being far away is the main thing that is causing us to fight. But I started to have a feeling that she is being unfaithful. So my question is actually two separate questions. Please try to answer both of them since it is very important for me. I will try to do the right thing based on your answers to my questions: 1) What should I do if I found out that she is cheating on me? Should I forgive her and continue with our plans to get married or should I break the engagement and leave her alone? 2) Sometimes I blame myself and I tell myself that I am just being too jealous. What if its just my jealousy and she is not really cheating on me? In other words, what if I am wrong and she never cheated on me? How can I reduce the level of my jealousy? Please try to answer both parts. It is really important for me. Thank you so much!   Question 9 (1:06:35): In one of the recent ‘Navigating the Eschaton’ classes, you mentioned the Hadith (reference: Sunan Abi Dawud 4242) about ‘fitna as-sarra’ arising from a man claiming to be from the progeny of the Prophet ﷺ. Have scholars been able to identify and agree upon any individuals from history as to who this could have been and why?

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