Agostino Cilardo, “The Early History of Islamili Jurisprudence” (I. B. Tauris, 2013)
Al-QÄá¸Ä« al-Nu῾mÄn (d. 363/974) was the primary architect of IsmÄ῾īlÄ« jurisprudence which was formed under the Fatamids. The Early History of Ismaili Jurisprudence (I. B. Tauris, 2013) provides an English translation and edited Arabic edition of a work held to be written by al-Nu῾mÄn, the MinhÄj al-farÄ’iá¸, a brief tract on inheritance law. However, author Agostino Cilardo, Professor at the ‘Orientale’ of Università degli Studi di Napoli (Naples), offers his readers much more in this book. The first half of this work explores critical questions concerning the development of IsmÄ῾īlÄ« jurisprudence which includes synopses of the theories concerning the progression and originality of IsmÄ῾īlÄ« jurisprudence. This is followed by an analysis of the MinhÄj alongside four other works penned by al-Nu῾mÄn: KitÄb al-iqtiá¹£Är, KitÄb al-yanbū῾, Mukhtaá¹£ar al-ÄthÄr, and Da῾Ēim al-IslÄm. This study allows Professor Cilardo to draw a number of conclusions about the work itself, the maturation of IsmÄ῾īlÄ« jurisprudence, and how IsmÄ῾īlÄ« law (fiqh) compares to other Shī῾ī and the Sunni legal traditions, in terms of legal inheritance. The book is well written and meticulous in its organization. Scholars and students of Islam will find this work invaluable, and it is a good tool for those interested in both jurisprudence and IsmÄ῾īlÄ« studies. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Support our show by becoming a premium member!