28. Problematic Spanish sounds and letters (VII): Why aquot;Caquot; and aquot;Zaquot; dona#039;t get well with aquot;Saquot; (American version)
Webpage: https://learnspanishbeginner.com My lessons: https://learnspanishbeginner.com/lessons-prices/ Email: info@learnspanishbeginner.com Bienvenido o bienvenida, my dear beginner! In this podcast, we are going to finish with this second problematic sound /CE/ or /SE/ that involves two different letters: C+E+I and Z+A+E+I+O+U. As I told you in the last podcast, you must learn by heart which Spanish words include "C" and which one include "Z". But, I'm going to make it more difficult. ¿Estás preparado? Are you ready? Well, let's begin.