How’s Snoop Dogg? And Muslims Getting in the Way of ISLAM

This weeks new Episode! We cover a lot of ground in this weeks show here are some of the points touched on: 1. Chasing your career at the expense of losing your ISLAM 2. All you're thinking about is ‪#‎Money‬ 3. Dealing with the extremes 4. Apply the ‪#‎Quran‬ and ‪#‎Sunnah‬ to your Profession 5. Product of the environment 6. Sexually active without ‪#‎Marriage‬ 7. "Over educationalized" and forgot themselves 8. Peoples addiction to the media 9. Biggest obstacle to Islam 10. What being a "Muslim" actually means 11. Muslim women and men who discredit the Deen to justify their bad actions 12. Trying to hard to fit in instead of standing out 13. Giving birth to what's already in side of you All this and more on this weeks exciting episode of TheDeenShow Help us share this great information that can maybe change someones life for the better inshaAllah.

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