058 | Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
Hey mamas! ENOUGH. That is how I feel right now. ENOUGH comparing myself to others. ENOUGH playing small. ENOUGH procrastination. ENOUGH beating myself up. I AM ENOUGH.
I am also strong, capable, powerful and successful.
This is how I want you to feel about yourself. In this episode I share my experience going to a mastermind retreat in California this past weekend and literally stepping into the next version of Julie.
I want the same for you. We play so small in our lives. YOU are capable of so much more. But here is the thing, we can't do it alone. We need to learn from those that are further down the path of life that we want to be on.
I learned that this weekend. I can't wait for you to listen to this episode and tell me what you took away. MESSAGE me!
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And get ready to step into the new version of YOU!
More than Mommy Bootcamp will reopen mid-June and I hope to see you in there!!!