آثار عقلية ثابتة على أداء العمل
Episode 2 آثار عقلية ثابتة على أداء العمل Recommended literature: Dweck, C. S. (1999). Self-theories: Their role in motivation, personality and development. Philadelphia: Psychology Press. Dweck, C. S. (2006). Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York: Random House. Hong, Ying-yi, Chiu, Chi-yue, Dweck, Carol S., Lin, Derrick M.-S., Wan, Wendy (1999). Implicit theories, attributions, and coping: A meaning system approach. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology nr. 77 , pp. 588-599. Wood, Robert and Bandura, Albert (1989). Impact of conceptions of ability on self-regulatory mechanisms and complex decision making. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology nr. 56, pp. 407-415. Gerhard J. Ohrband Psychologist, author and consultant from Hamburg /Germany (*1979). Married, two sons. MA in psychology from the University of Hamburg. More than 14 years of experience teaching psychology as well as a consultant for UNICEF, Terre des Hommes, IOM, the EU and private companies. Speaks 21 languages. Contact gerhard.j.ohrband@gmail.com https://thegomethod.org/ On Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gerhard-j%C3%B6rg-ohrband-22525147/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/JOhrband If you want to discover my secrets for learning more than 21 languages, please check out my book “The GO Method” on Amazon.