002: Start Shooting Manual Today to Bring Your Photography to the Next Level
Shooting in manual is the fastest way to stat getting better photos. When you are aware of your controls and what they do, you can really manipulate your image with much more precision than you can in your cameras other shooting modes. This is Episode 2 of the Beginner Photography Podcast
Raymond and Callum explore the importance of shooting manual in taking better photos and explain how it has helped them to take better images. They highlight the mindset of being positive and taking risks, feeding the body well for sharper focus, and making small adjustments that can lead to big differences in the photos.
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In todays episode you will learn:
- What manual shooting is
- Why its different from the other shooting modes
- The pros of shooting manual
- The cons of shooting manual
- What aperture means
- What aspects of your camera you need to control
- How to make shooting in manual less scary
- How shooting manual gives you more creative control
- How to change your settings to preplan for light
- How shooting manual will save you time when editing
Time Stamps of the Big Ideas
- 00:03:11 Shoot manually for best results.
- 00:07:57 Control aperture for exposure.
- 00:17:44 Manual mode gives creative control.
- 00:23:08 Experience is key for photography.
- 00:30:54 Shoot in manual for faster editing.
- 00:32:02 Amazing photo from beginner gear.
- 00:43:19 Shoot in manual mode.
- 00:44:25 Practice and experiment.
Learn What Camera Settings to Use in our free guide!
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- Join the free Beginner Photography Podcast Community at https://beginnerphotopod.com/group
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- Grab your free camera setting cheatsheet - https://perfectcamerasettings.com/
Thanks for listening & keep shooting!