The TOP 10 most used nouns in Portuguese - 100 most common words (3/10)

Start learning Brazilian Portuguese today! Sign up now for my Free mini-course in pronunciation at *** Translation of this episode: This is the third video of the series: the 100 most common words in Brazilian Portuguese. I've divided this series into 10 videos, and in each video, I’ll talk about 10 words. Let's then begin our lesson. Today we are going to talk about the ten most used nouns in Portuguese language. 21 – coisa The word number 21 is the feminine noun, coisa. The word coisa means thing, in English. Let's look at some examples: Posso perguntar uma coisa? (Can I ask you something?) Eu gostaria de comer alguma coisa. (I'd like to eat something.) 22 – casa The word number 22 is the feminine noun, casa. The word casa can be translated as house or home, in English. Let's look at some examples: Estou em casa. (I'm at home.) Não esqueça de fazer seu dever de casa. (Don’t forget to do your homework.) 23 – tempo The word number 23 is the masculine noun, tempo. The word tempo can be translated as time or weather, in English. Let's look at some examples: O tempo está bom hoje. (The weather is good today.) Gosto de passar tempo com minha família. (I like to spend time with my family.) 24 – ano The word number 24 is the masculine noun, ano. The word ano means year, in English. Let's look at some examples: Feliz ano novo! (Happy New Year!) No final do ano, eu vou ao Brasil. (At the end of the year, I'll go to Brazil.) 25 – dia The word number 25 is the masculine noun, dia. The word dia means day, in English. Let's look at some examples: Bom dia! (Good Morning!) Eu estudo português todos os dias. (I study Portuguese every day.) 26 – vez The word number 26 is the feminine noun, vez. The word vez can be translated as time or times, in English. Let's look at some examples: Eu vou ao Brasil uma vez por ano. (I go to Brazil once a year.) Eu vou à academia duas vezes por semana. (I go to the gym twice a week.) 27 – homem The word number 27 is the masculine noun, homem. The word homem means man, in English. Let's see some examples: Aquele homem é brasileiro. (That man is Brazilian.) Aqueles homens são brasileiros. (Those men are Brazilian.) 28 – mulher The word number 28 is the feminine noun, mulher. The word mulher means woman, in English. Let's look at some examples: Aquela mulher é brasileira. (That woman is Brazilian.) Aquelas mulheres são brasileiras. (Those women are Brazilian.) 29 – senhora The word number 29 is the feminine noun, senhora. The word senhora means lady or madam, in English. It is a polite and formal way of treating or referring to an older woman. Let's look at some examples: Aquela senhora é brasileira. (That lady is Brazilian.) Qual é o nome da senhora? (What is your name? formal) 30 – senhor The word number 30 is the masculine noun, senhor. The word senhor can be translated as mister, sir, or gentleman in English. It is a polite and formal way of treating or referring to an older man. Let's lookat some examples: Aquele senhor é brasileiro. (That gentleman is Brazilian.) Qual é o nome do senhor? (What is your name? formal) Thanks for listenng to this podcast and see you next time! Tchau, tchau!

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