MJS 042: Kassandra Perch
Panel: Charles Max Wood Guest: Kassandra Perch This week on My JavaScript Story, Charles speaks with Kassandra Perch. Kassandra is a return guest from JavaScript Jabber episode 197. Kassandra is a developer relations engineer for IOpipe, that does AWS Lambda monitoring and visibility in the server-less space. Kassandra talks about her journey into program through game sharks or programming game cartridges. Also, furthering her interest in programming was taking computer science courses in college, and getting a part-time job in the technology field during college while networking. Kassandra shares her favorite contributions to javascript and open source projects. In particular, we dive pretty deep on:
- How did you get into programming? Game Sharks
- Game Cartridges
- Austin Meetup Group and JavaScript
- Working in the open source community
- College courses
- Contributions - Nodebotanist
- Interest in education and being autistic
- Child of a teacher
- Serving the community
- Helping people with projects
- IOT - Internet of Things
- Building Robots
- Serverless
- What are you working on now?
- AVR Girl
- and much, much more!
- https://www.iopipe.com
- https://github.com/nodebotanist
- https://github.com/noopkat/avrgirl
- http://johnny-five.io
- IOpipe
- Sue Hitten
- Johnny 5
- Serverless Framework