VoV 012: Re-using VueJS Mixins and Filtering Google Map Data with Dan Pastori
- Chris Fritz
- Erik Hanchett
- Divya Sasidharan
- Joe Eames
- Framework Summit
- Dan intro
- What is Laravel?
- History of Laravel and Vue working together
- Laracasts
- What would you recommend about Laravel?
- Laravel documentation
- Laravel Elixir
- Very minimal setup
- VueCasts.com
- What role does Vue have in a Laravel application?
- What is a single-page application?
- Building applications
- Vue can take over everything or just certain parts depending on what you want
- Built in Laravel tools to create API
- Why Vue became popular in the Laravel community
- Vue is straightforward and flexible
- Changes coming
- Direction or Laravel in the future
- Hybrid single-page applications
- And much, much more!
- Framework Summit
- Vue
- Laravel
- Laracasts
- Laravel documentation
- Laravel Elixir
- VueCasts.com
- @danpastori
- DanPastori.com
- Dan’s GitHub
- Dan’s Medium
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