VoV 002: Getting Started with Vue
- Charles Max Wood
- Joe Eames
- Cher Stewart
- Erik Hanchett
- Panelist intros
- Progressive web apps
- How did you each get into Vue?
- Vue
- Ember.js
- Angular
- Not wanting to be outdated as a programmer
- React
- Recommendations for how to go about learning Vue
- Using the Vue website
- Udemy Vue course
- Vue.js Developers
- Vue.js news
- Vue Vixens
- VueConf US
- Framework Summit
- The importance of building a community across frameworks
- Build a To-Do App with Vue.js 2
- Vue.js in Action by Erik Hanchett
- Sometimes it takes going through a couple books before finding what you really want
- How are people writing with Vue?
- Vue is very un-opinionated and progressive
- ES6 and TypeScript
- And much, much more!
- Vue.js in Action by Erik Hanchett
- Framework Summit
- DevChat.tv
- React Round Up
- Vue
- Joe Eames Pluralsight
- Ember.js
- Angular
- React
- Udemy course
- Vue.js Developers
- Vue.js news
- Vue Vixens
- VueConf US
- Build a To-Do App with Vue.js 2
- ES6
- TypeScript
- @CodeHitchhiker
- @JosephEames
- @CMaxW
- RE-20 Microphone
- ATR2100 Microphone
- Xenyx 802 Mixer
- Roland R-09
- React Dev Summit
- Framework Summit
- Joe
- Counterpart
- Sagrada Board Game
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