Monday, May 24, 2021
DOCUMENTATION AND ADDITIONAL READINGPART 1 (0:0 - 13:14): ────────────────── Will America’s Worldview Divide Change Our National Map? Five Counties in Eastern Oregon Want to Join “Greater Idaho” NEW YORK TIMES (KIRK JOHNSON)Their Own Private Idaho: Five Oregon Counties Back a Plan to Secede WALL STREET JOURNAL (JASON L. RILEY)Shrinking Blue States Have ‘Defund the Police’ to Blame PART 2 (13:15 - 21:46): ────────────────── Is the Sport of Cycling Infected with Pervasive “Whiteness”? The Endless Analysis and Unceasing Critique of Theory CYCLING MAGAZINE (P. KHALIL SAUCIER)Cycling and the Power of White Privilege PART 3 (21:47 - 24:51): ────────────────── Should Tim Tebow Give the Job Back? The Christian Way of Faithfulness Is Not Helped by This Kind of Analysis