Friday, May 21, 2021
DOCUMENTATION AND ADDITIONAL READINGPART 1 (0:0 - 2:32): ────────────────── Dealing with Alienation and Authenticity in a Broken World: Real Problems Misdiagnosed and Mistreated by a Secular Worldview PART 2 (2:33 - 15:43): ────────────────── Lego Commercializes the Moral Revolution by Introducing LGBTQ Set: We All Need Affirmation, But Where Can We Truly Find It? CNN (ZAMIRA RAHIM)Lego unveils first LGBTQ set ahead of Pride Month THE GUARDIAN (HELEN RUSSELL)Everyone Is Awesome: Lego to launch first LGBTQ+ set PART 3 (15:44 - 23:24): ────────────────── Where Should We Look to Find Our True Selves? What is “My Truth?” — Demi Lovato Announces New Self-Identification as Nonbinary WASHINGTON POST (PAULINA FIROZI)Singer Demi Lovato says they identify as nonbinary: ‘This is my truth and I can’t shove it down’