Answering The Question: How Many Children Should We Have? | Ep. 59
Even before walking down the aisle, questions start coming your way, "So when are you going to have children and how many do you guys want to have?!" As a couple who just wants to settle into married life first, it's natural to take the path-of-least resistance, neglecting to intentionally consider the hard questions about family planning. In this episode, Emily and Laura share the unexpected ways that God has shaped their ideas about children -- including family size, caring for orphans, and being unified with their husbands. There is no formula for a perfect Christian family plan, but we can all rest in our gospel-freedom, embracing children as the Lord does (sacrifices, messiness and all!). Articles a Resources: How to leave a rating and review on iTunes Ask Us Anything Show || Ep. 54 Heart Questions to Ask: "How Many Children Should We Have?" Gospel-Centered Question for Family Planning - RM Blog Does the Priority of Orphan Care Mean We Should Stop Having Children? - Russell Moore Newlyweds, Be Open To God's Plan for Your Young Family - Emily Jensen Principles for Thinking About Family Planning (as shared on the show): God loves life, and He is the ultimate giver / sustainer of life. God's glory is displayed through family relationships. God is Lord over the womb - He is sovereign over childbearing. God thinks children are a blessing. God wants us to display the gospel as we sacrifice for the nurture of children - also, He loves the spread of the gospel from generation to generation, where parents disciple their children in the Lord. For More: To subscribe: on iOS, go to our iTunes page and subscribe. On Android, click this podcast RSS feed link and select your podcast app. You may need to copy the link into your favorite podcast app (like Overcast or Stitcher). Leave an iTunes review. These are huge for us! The more reviews, the greater chance another mother will find us. Like Risen Motherhood on Facebook and follow on Instagram and Twitter for the latest updates and related information. Let us know your thoughts! We'd love to hear more about the conversations you're having. Shoot us an email, or find us on on social media. Tell others. We truly hope this podcast fosters conversations and deeper discussions between mothers to seek the gospel in their daily activities - we'd be honored if you shared and encouraged others to listen in.