Momma, Fear the Lord: Not the Election Season | Ep. 31
Hey momma, are you feeling a little anxious this election season? Are you unsure of what the future holds for your children? Although it's easy to get caught up in the never-ending news cycle, shrouded in fear and bias, there is a place you can turn to for truth. In this episode, Emily and Laura look on the bright side of this political season, discussing our unchanging hope and eternal home. Contrary to what the culture tells us, moms really don't have to fear what is frightening, but can instead trust the God who is working for our good and his glory. Like what you hear? Visit for links to additional articles and resources on this topic. You'll also find more encouragement and truth on how to be an intentional mother that cares for and loves her children with eternity in mind. And if you get a chance, we'd love for you to subscribe and/or leave a review in iTunes!