“My Work’s Not Selling” – Maybe It’s Your Photos
Over the course of the last few episodes Pennylane has shared four of the most common obstacles her company Dazed and Confucius hears from their clients each day and a few notes of advice for overcoming them. Today she outlines a useful tip in response to the common phrase: “Why isn’t my work selling?” In this episode, Pennylane explains how proper digital documentation and curated presentation of your work is crucial, and can often make or break whether the work sells.
For a limited time, listeners of I Like Your Work can receive exclusive free access to our online video seminar The Artist Took Kit, regularly $35 by subscribing to our mailing list. The Artist Tool Kit outlines 9 of the most important tools recommended for artists approaching the fine art industry, including a CV, Take-Away Card, a Price list, Website and more. Visit dazedandconfucius.com/ilikeyourwork to get your copy today.