Episode 1: The Bee Origin Story
Join editor-in-chief Kyle Mann and creative director Ethan Nicolle for the first ever Babylon Bee podcast. This week's new stories with links: Sports Illustrated Burkini (5:29): https://babylonbee.com/news/sports-illustrated-unveils-first-ever-baptist-swimsuit-model-in-floor-length-denim-skirt That Crazy Copeland (12:11) https://babylonbee.com/news/kenneth-copeland-unveils-new-luxury-jet-that-runs-on-the-souls-of-the-deceived Trump's Lands Free Chips and Salsa Deal (17:30): https://babylonbee.com/news/trump-secures-unlimited-chips-and-salsa-in-mexican-trade-deal Main Topic: the Bee Origin Story (24:05) Hate Mail Of The Week: (44:37) Bonus Content (paid subscribers only) -Gay Pride Week -YouTube Radicalizing Left And Right To Have Actual Conversations -Subscriber QaA Become a paid subscriber at https://babylonbee.com/plans