3 Games You Should Never Play With Your Spouse
In this episode of Marriage After God we have a little fun at the beginning talking about our favorite family games we enjoy together but only as a segway into the real topic at hand. We discuss 3 very dangerous emotional and manipulative games that are all too common in marriage. The silent treatment, Retaliation/revenge, and word games. These games manifest themselves in many different ways and Jennifer and I had learned to be very good at playing all of them with each other, that is up until God got a hold of our hearts. There is no place for them in a Christian marriage. They should be avoided at all cost otherwise it could cost us a healthy marriage or worse. We haven't perfected the art of avoiding these deadly games but we are way better then we used to be at recognizing them quickly and repent often. If there are any more games that couples should avoid in marriage please let us know in the comments. Also, please share with us your favorite family games. (9:04) Game #1 - Silent Treatment (11:35) James 1: 19-20 (14:37) Ephesians 4:32 (15:42) Game #2 - Retaliation (20:10) Romans 12: 16-18 (24:30) Game #3 - Word Games (25:40) Proverbs 18: 21 LINKS TO GAMES WE LOVE Catan 5th Edition http://amzn.to/2HADyHM Phase 10 http://amzn.to/2FW9kSG Blockus http://amzn.to/2FQAE4z Ticket To Ride http://amzn.to/2GqPbln Dominion http://amzn.to/2FEw1ew FOR MORE ENCOURAGEMENT https://marriageaftergod.com https://instagram.com/marriageaftergod SHOP MARRIAGE RESOURCES https://shop.unveiledwife.com FOR WIVES https://unveiledwife.com https://facebook.com/unveiledwife FOR HUSBANDS https://husbandrevolution.com https://facebook.com/HusbandRevolution